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tv   News  Al Jazeera  November 4, 2013 2:00am-2:31am EST

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egypt's first democratically-elected president goes on trial, accused of inciting violence and murder, if convicted mohamed morsi could face the death penalty. >> arab leaders gathering in cairo to persuade syrian opposition forces to come to geneva ii. >> paul ciancia told police that he acted alone in the shooting at los angeles international airport. >> art imitating life. a moroccan artist drawing inspiration from real-life turmoil in the middle east.
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>> welcome to al jazeera america. former egyptian president mohamed morsi is at a cairo police academy to face trial for inciting riots and murder. mohamed morsi and his legal team arrived moments ago amid tight security. supporters of muslim brotherhood are planning protests. dominic kane brings us this report ahead of the trial. >> these are the first pictures of mohamed morsi to emerge since being deposed as president in july. loked by an egyptian newspaper, they are thought to show him during a meeting with foreign dignitaries that month. he says he was ousted by the military in a move that was illegal. >> translation: it's illegal. i'm the president, according to
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the constitution of the country. kout de tar means a strike against state institutions. all the basics of these institutions and the definition of an institution. >> the contrast with his inauguration is stark. it was a moment that seemed to suggest egypt's transition from dictatorship to democracy, the arriving of a freely elected president - both in a traditional government setting and emotionally in tahir sqare, the crucible of the revolution itself. 18 months later mohamed morsi is out of office, in detention and facing charges of inciting others to commit murder. >> on monday morning mohamed morsi will be brought to a court in the police academy. it's the same court in which hosni mubarak is being tried.
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the prosecution case relates to violence between his supporters and opponents last december, outside the presidential palace. mohamed morsi indicated that he doesn't recognise the court's right to prosecute him, and will not appoint a legal team. a lawyer who will be in court has told al jazeera the charges are baseless. >> translation: there is no evidence that dr mohamed morsi committed crimes. trials in the atmosphere of a coup are usually - i hope i'm wrong - are never neutral, transparent or fair. >> 20,000 members of security forces will be on the streets with metal detectors to prevent disruption to the trial. the anti-coup alliance called on supporters to stage demonstrations in protest. opinion is divided on the streets, before the trial. >> translation: i believe it's a
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good thing. mohamed morsi was as bad in one year as what happened in 30 years. mohamed morsi did not fulfil his promises, there was no security. >> translation: i believe that this trial may lead to another wave of revolution, people will take to the streets again. >> mohamed morsi's family has been able to speak to him only once since he was detained. they will not be in court on monday since, like him, they reject the court's right to try him. mohamed morsi's trial is expected to start about an hour from now. secretary of state john kerry is in saudi arabia part of a world wind tour of the middle east aimed at easing tensions with arab powers and will meet with saudi's king abdullah on monday. he visited cairo this week.
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john kerry is the highest-ranking american official to visit egypt since the military toppled mohamed morsi. in response the u.s. suspended millions in aid. turning to the war in syria, the main rebel group set demands for the long demand geneva ii peace talks. the syrian national collision or snc, says it will not attend the negotiations if a date is not set for the removal of the president bashar al-assad. the snc doesn't want iran at the meeting, which is set for the end of the month. sue turton has more from cairo, where the arab league met to discuss cairo. the new head of the arab league said there was no way the syrian coalition would sustained the geneva ii conference if iran was to attend. >> what we are clearly asking from you is to support and stop
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a regime, blood, security. first of all, declare iran as an occupying force of syria and demand it to withdraw the revolutionary guard. >> he put other conditions as to whether they would go or not. he expected iran's revolutionary guard to be pulled out of the syrian conflict, and hezbollah, and iraqi militia fighting. it makes the chances of the snc turning up to the conference unlikely. >> sue turton reporting. the snc renewed calls for international community to arm fighters. despite wrists among factions, the snc promises the weapons will not fall into the wrong hands. >> there'll be no clementsy for edward snowden. he's asking for leniency from the government.
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members of the white house denied his request. he leaked secret government documents about the n.s.a., including information that the u.s. has spied on allies. if he returns to the u.s. he faces charges of espionage. he is in russia where he was granted asylum. >> a gunman involved in the killing at los angeles international airport talked to police. he told them he acted alone, the admission coming after he was shot by officers. he killed a t.s.a. employee and injured three others. the 23-year-old is facing murder charges and the death penalty. he's in critical condition and under 24 hour armed surveillance. >> an alabama airport is being reopened after a bomb threat. officials at birmingham-shuttlesworth international airport say they found a note warning of a pom in
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the main terminal -- of a bomb in the main terminal and called the federal bureau of investigation. after a sweep the airport was cleared. it was up and running two hours later. a dozen flight were delayed or diverted. passengers were briefly evacuated during the shutdown. >> while colder air is coming out of canada, into the united states we have wet, warm weather coming up into texas from the south. we have a tropical storm. it is working up towards the western mainland of mexico to the south of the baha peninsula. it's getting weaker but bringing rain fall into texas. it's starting out as a wet day for the texas area. as we look at the storm, we do expect this to not bring the powerful wind, but rain is a concern. it's reaching to louisiana with showers, hitting oklahoma as it
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heads to the east. if you look to the north-west we have been tracking a storm bringing snow into the mountains and the idaho clare waters. it will taper into showers. the problem is ice on the roads. from eastern washington to northern idaho. for alaska, this last month of october - dry, warm. in fact, when you look at 104 years on record, this was the fourth at least snow which, and we ended above average. we'll not start out that way for much of the u.s. it will be a chilly morning, and the air will continue with showers through western montana. storm warnings will continue with 6 inches of snow. highs for the north-west - pretty chilly, in the 30s, low 40s. manhattan under a freeze
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warning. temperatures starting out chilly, and only getting into the 30s and 40s in many spots. your high temperatures, mid 30s for billing, denver, and bracing for a storm, sales southern minnesota. by the middle of the week we have a risk of snow for you. >> the death of a taliban leader by u.s. drone strike causing problems with america's relationship with pakistan. . >> french officials speak out about the assassination of two journalists in mali - the warnings they received before going on that assignment. >> finding a home for tens of millions of orphans - how one religious group is working to find families.
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a. pakistan says it will review its relationship with the u.s. after a u.s. drone strike killed
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the leader of the pakistani taliban. hakimullah mehsud died near the border. the attack threatens to deril peace talks with militants that were launched last week. a political party wants to block nato supply routs into afghanistan. >> officials in france are condemning the killings of two reporters. they were kidnapped, shot and had their throats cut. they had been warned that their trip to the west african nation was dangerous. >> no one knows who took them and and why they were killed. ghislaine dupont and claud verlon worked for radio france internationale. ghislaine dupont and claud verlon were found dead a few kilometres away from kidal. the tuareg rebel leader they interviewed before being abducted describes what happened. >> translation: i heard an unusual noise in the street. their car was parked in front of my house, about 10 metres interest the door.
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i went out to see what was happening. once i got to the door i saw a car, a pick-up next to theirs. there was a mon on the ground with a weapon. he pointed at me and said, "go back inside, go back." i went in, afterwards they took off with the two journalists, leaving in a hurry. >> an official statement in paris said the french military warned the journalists not to go to the area. rebel, tuareg and groups linked to al qaeda are active there, despite a french-led military intervention this year. al-qaeda fighters are known to fund activities with ransom money. the french military says it did not have contact with the kidnappers in this case. france's foreign minister said the journalists were coldly assassinated, adding that security in kidal would be
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increased. >> translation: a crime against journalists is a double crime. it's a crime against the people who - i repeat - were coldly assassinated in despicable conditions. it's a crime against freedom to inform or be informed. >> french president francis hollande has demanded a reappraisal of security in mali. . the journalists were in mali to cover preparations for parliamentary elections there. >> m23 rebels called for a ceasefire in a war with the conningo lease government. the group is made up of deserters. after 20 months of war they've been driven from all the villages they controlled. as the war appears to drive down, evidence of mass executions are popping up on the country's border with uganda.
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malcolm webb for al jazeera reports. >> this patch of bush next to a former m23 rebel base looks like any other. something more sinisterster lies within. this soldier leads us to the body of a man laying in a shallow grave. >> he died recently. the smell is unpleasant. it looks like he was tied up with his arms behind his back and legs together. there's blood coming from his head. he looks like he was executed. >> four more bodies were visible before rain buried them in mud. there were many more throughout the surrounding bush. it's next to a barracks that the rebels took from the government a year ago. a few days ago the rebels fled and the army moved in. rebels who surrendered said the m23 executed prisoners before it
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left. >> we tried to contact m23. they have not answered phone calls since government forces fought them back in the last few days. >> the people in the villages around the base say living under the m23 rule was tough. rebels were cruel. >> they have prisoners there. we heard they killed the prisoners, they killed them all. >> they would beat people for nothing, arrest them and make them superior. >> the world's largest peace forces have helped the government fight m23. the u.n. hasn't managed to stop atrocities in the 14 years that it's been here. they'll find out what happened. >> we all know that bodies have been found in the area. the area has been controlled by m23 for one year, and that he has been taken by the army a few days ago. on the u.n. side we are forming
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a team which will investigate, and from the results we'll tell you what was discovered. >> the government says its vetting too. war crimes are common in congo's conflicts. the full story may never be uncovered. . peace talks between the conningo lease government and m23 rebels broke down 10 days ago, now the congolese government dispatched negotiators to uganda to try again. >> around the world 150 children have lost one or both of their parents. many live in orphanages, or on the streets. for every three months the children live in orphanages experts say they lose a month of developmental skills. for the past five years the christian alliance for orphans organised orphan sunday, an
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event encouraging christians to adopt or support needy children. we have this report. this week the event drew thousands of evangelicals across the country. >> this woman attends service at her evangelical church, life with life and shared her journey of adopting two children whilst living in brazil. as a coordinator of orphan ministries, she encourages others to do the same. >> we got to thinking what might happen to the other kids that don't have the same situation as our children. >> as many as 145 million children around the world have lost both their parents. >> we bring awareness for everybody that they need to be adopted - not only to be helped, but actually the main help we can do is to adopt them.
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>> her church also assists with foster children in florida, supporting a home for foster kids called his house. >> to raise funds for his house and other orphanages to help them, you know, bring awareness, that love, bringing whatever they need that we can provide, god has given us. >> churches in more than 30 states in 50 nations celebrated this year. some critics accuse the evangelical movement of ignoring child trafficking or exploitation. organizers acknowledged the concerns, but a statement from the christian alliance for orphans said they missed broader point: >> a liaison for miss house, a faith-based ministry in south florida does not dispute
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allegations, but says her organization has a thorough adoption vetting process. >> it's a sad story if those facts are there - and i am sure they are. it's not the history his house has. we try to protect them. >> the spokeswoman for his house ads that in 25 years of ministry they've never had a single parent accused of abuse. a recent study by the don ald son adoption institute warns against online groups offering children for adoption. >> a significant part of thai culture facing a threat. how a popular form of fighting could deliver a knockout to a 500 year old tradition. >> political upricing in the east gives an artist fuel for his passion. >> and a special solar event
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some lucky sky gazers got to see.
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for senturies, moi that box gs has been a national sport. the traditional sport may take it on the chin from a modern form of fight, mixed marshall arts. >> a 500-year-old tradition used only by royal thai soldiers, moi thai is an art of close-combat fighting. it's practised as kick boxing, a national sport where each match begins with a traditional dance. moi thai serves an a discipline making up mixed martial arts or m ma. it is a sport with an expanding international fan base - light on tradition, high on glitz -
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it's arrived in bangkok. >> will it knock out the traditional form? >> i don't think mma will take over moi thai. i think it's rooted deeply in the culture in thailand. mma has a strong presence around the world. >> global appeal doesn't matter to the governing sports authority, refusing to go on camera they said professional mma is banned in the country. not true, according to the promotor who hosted the first mma fight night in bangkok. >> in 2012 an announced was made by someone from the sports authority from thailand saying the government of thailand would ban the sport of mixed martial art. it never happened. >> some see mma as delewding a
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century's old practice, others see it as providing more opportunity for the fighters. >> this man has trained locals and foreigners for 15 years. like brazil, where football is a smart, you bring blasket ball in and it's lobing to a certain level. mma may affect the moi thai industry, boxers may want to shift because of higher prize money. >> there's no clear answers to the league -- legality of mma. there's no question it is drawing fans. >> the unrest informant middle east has been the inspiration for a controversial moroccan artist. his work has been denied in other countries. he is opening a new show. >> inside a small gallery in new york's lower east side big
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things are happening. inspired by political event in the middle east. >> i don't think it's possible to survive in politics, just like - we cannot use language or wars. >> 30-year-old moronan artist zakarian fuses politics and art into a work of art. many deal with turmoil and change in the region, particularly in egypt. after living in more okayio for 26 years, he says the arab spring was overdue. it was the idea of being here at that moment when others of my age are here too, and they have a desire for change. >> one of them, a big inspiration, came during the egyptian resolution in 2011.
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he saw images flash across the television screen of egyptian military police known as the blue bra girl. that's when he said he went to work. >> i think it's, again, a representation of the violation of the individual rite, honour and individual presence. it's become automatically more powerful when the subject is a woman. >> the famous image from december 2011 became a symbol of egyptian protest against power, showing a struggle against police brutality. the images sparked outrage, and led to protests in egypt. >> on the work titled, "you are my only love", it was set to
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debut at the art fair. representatives deemed it unacceptable. i think the censorship is directly connected to the power that is existing in the countries. >> it's been seen around the world and has become one of his most recognisable works. he felt so empowered by the peace that he's bringing it back in a new form this week. >> the new york city exhibition opens on wednesday. >> if you were up early this morning you may have seen a stunning sellestial event, a solar eclipse. the earth, sun and moon lined up for a hybrid eclipse, starting with a thin rim of sunlight around the moon. the rim is thinner until the sun is blocked out.
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this kind of eclipse will not be seen for another 200 years. that's it for this edition of al jazeera news. >> in the early hours of april 16th 2009, bolivian special forces burst into a hotel in downtown santa cruz. within minutes three european guests had been shot and killed. when news of the raid broke, the bolivian authorities said little - except that


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